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How to Start Vlogging on YouTube – A Beginners Guide

Video bloggers utilize vlogs as a platform to communicate everything from complaints to product reviews to anecdotes and everything in between. Vloggers post their content on a variety of websites, such as YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok. To know more about how to start vlogging and become a influential vlogger, let’s continue reading the article.

Initially, novice vloggers utilize laptops, selfie sticks, smartphones, and basic editing software. In order to create high-quality videos, eventually upgrade to professional vlogging cameras, microphones, and more advanced video editing software.

YouTube has grown tremendously as a platform for creating and monetizing video over the previous two decades. With over 500 hours of content posted to YouTube every minute, how can you stand out? Whether you want to sell your videos or simply like making them, there are ways to attract the attention of YouTube’s 1.7 billion unique monthly users. All you need is a few pieces of equipment, some SEO knowledge, and perhaps a little star power. Remember that you are unlikely to become an overnight YouTube sensation, so don’t quit your day job just yet.

Now for the fun part: make your first vlog. You will need to perform research, create a content plan, and, of course, buy the necessary tools.

Here is a step-by-step instruction to help you get started.


Find Inspiration by Watching Other Vloggers.

Most likely, if you’re familiar with vlogging, you’ve already seen several vlog videos. If you aren’t currently following the vlogs of some successful vloggers, now is the time to start.

Take a few vloggers and study their vlogging techniques for a week or more. While you shouldn’t try to imitate them in every way, seeing what makes them engaging may inspire you to create engaging vlogs of your own.

While you watch, pose some questions to yourself, such as:

You’re conducting study here not simply to discover your own potential vlogging style, but also to learn what works for the pros. Make a note of any vloggers who use similar strategies. Try searching for your favorite interests on YouTube to see what pops up. Vloggers cover a wide range of topics, from celebrities and love advice to stunning science facts and video games.


Set Up a Separate Account.

To establish a channel, you must first sign in with your Google account. Next, click your profile symbol in the top-right corner and select Create a channel. Fill out your channel’s essential information, such as its name, profile image, and header image.
You can use the name and photo from your personal Google account or create a new channel with a different name and image. If you select the custom name option, Google will establish a new account with its own preferences and viewing history that is independent from your main account.

While using your own account is OK if you’re just doing this for fun, setting up a second Google account is a good idea if you plan to turn this channel into a business.


Define Your Niche and Audience.

The most crucial step in being a vlogger is deciding what you’ll generate material about and who you’ll share it with. You won’t have to look very far to locate your niche. Begin by considering your personal interests.

Make a list of your interests, then sort them by those you enjoy the most and could talk about for years. If your top picks share a common topic, you can include it into your channel, giving you a niche and a target audience as a result.

Consider who would appreciate—or, better yet, who already enjoys—similar content. Check social media groups, hashtags, and competitor video content to determine who and how they are discussing your specialty, and then customize your content to that demographic.


Research your Competition.

Now that you’ve decided what you want to talk about and with whom, it’s time to conduct market research. Look for additional vloggers who discuss the similar issues.
Visit each channel you’re reviewing to determine if there are any discrepancies in content or audience behavior. For example, do subscribers prefer longer films or YouTube Shorts? Are amusing, high-production videos more engaging, or are plain talking head videos?

If you find gaps and vulnerabilities in your competitors’ plans, you can capitalize on them. For example, if several of your competitors make short films with only talking heads, you can create short movies on comparable topics but include skits or memes to spice it up.


Plan your Content.

You may start organizing your content once you have a good understanding of what your audience wants to see and what your competitors are doing. At this point, you should create a list of the primary subjects and then divide them into smaller subtopics.

The kind of videos you’re making will determine how you organize your content. A lengthier form video, for example, can cover a bigger topic, whereas video shorts can only cover one subtopic, or even a sub-subtopic.

By organizing your material, you can make sure that you address every facet of your primary subject and give your audience relevant, high-quality information. By using this method, you can also plan out the release of your videos, make a content calendar, and maintain organization throughout the content development process.

Remember that it’s critical to cater to the unique demands and interests of your target audience. Strategic video preparation allows you to provide content that connects with your audience and entices them to watch more.


Select the Gear You’ll Need for Filming, Editing, and Uploading

It’s not necessary for your vlogging setup to be elaborate, but it should be of high quality. You will need editing software, a well-lit environment, and a contemporary smartphone at the very least.

Most vloggers begin with basic or everyday technology that they already own, then as their following increases and they want to enhance the quality of their vlogs, they invest in cameras and other specialized equipment.

All of your videography, editing, and uploading can be done using a smartphone. The high-quality cameras on today’s smartphones make them perfect for creating amazing films, and you can edit them with both free and paid apps.

However, if your laptop has a built-in camera, you won’t even need a separate one to record your video. Many vloggers begin by filming their videos on their laptops, which removes the need to later transfer the footage to a computer for editing and uploading.

If this is a side project, just record your films with your current digital camera, laptop, or smartphone. Dedicated editing software or direct editing on your phone are both options.

Professional vloggers who feel that they require more expensive gear and desire a more sophisticated appearance. At that point, you might want to think about spending money on an excellent HD camera and editing program like Final Cut Pro.


Prepare the Area Where You Will Record.

Next, have your recording area ready for action, lighting, and the camera. Choose a spot that is cozy, serene, and has good lighting if you intend to take pictures there every time.

This is where you should set up your couch, desk, or other recording-related furniture. Depending on where you place your camera and seating area, you should adjust your illumination accordingly.

If there is natural light in the area, face the window with your body slightly angled to one side. This will provide illumination that is diffused and mellow.

To eliminate shadows and provide even lighting, utilize fill lights if you will be recording at night or don’t have access to natural light. Lights with rings are a common option.


Enhance and Optimize Your Videos. 

You may be a vlogger soon and start your vlogging. However, you should edit it to perfection before hitting publish. Prepare your material as follows:

Sort and arrange your video: Move all of the video files to your computer from your smartphone or camera. Then, to arrange your files, make a specific folder for every vlog.

Bring in and organize video: To organize the video segments in the correct sequence on the timeline, open your video editing software, start a new project, import the video file.

Cut and trim the clips: Examine each clip and remove any bits that are dull or superfluous. Next, trim and remove any parts that don’t improve your vlog’s flow or content. Just make sure the clips transition smoothly from one to the next.

Use filters and color correction: To change the brightness, contrast, and saturation of your footage, use color correcting tools. Naturally occurring and aesthetically pleasing filters are ideal.

Include pictures and text: Use lower thirds, titles, and text overlays to set the scene or draw attention to key details.


Promote Your Vlog.

You want to draw attention to your material now that your vlog is live. A vlog’s promotion calls for a mix of strategies, such as social networking, partnerships, and SEO.

When your vlogs start to receive views and comments and you have a growing number of subscribers, you’ll want to know how to engage with your fans and weed out the trolls.


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