First Time Parents – A Guide for Parenting

Being a mother can be both exhilarating and worrisome. You want the best for your child, but as a first-time parents, you’re learning everything on the job (and most likely without a full night’s sleep). You’ve probably got a lot of questions about what to expect after giving baby.
Parenting may be daunting, especially when advice comes from all directions. So we’ve put together this handy guide of quick advice from knowledgeable parents and experts to help you get started and gain the confidence you need to embrace your new role as a mother.

Leaving the hospital after giving birth

Allow yourself to experience those feelings. It can be beneficial to discuss it with your partner or a nurse before leaving the hospital, just to acknowledge how you’re feeling.

Preparing your vehicle ahead of time so that baby is secure and comfortable is one method to give yourself peace of mind during the drive home. Make sure your baby’s car seat is installed safely and in accordance with your state’s guidelines well before your due date.

How To Handle The Baby As First Time Parents?

  • Before handling your kid, wash your hands (or use a hand sanitizer). Because newborns lack a strong immune system, they are vulnerable to illnesses. Make certain that everyone who comes into contact with your kid has clean hands.
  • Keep your baby’s head and neck supported. When carrying your baby, cradle the head. Also, when carrying your infant upright or laying your baby down, support the head.
  • Never shake your baby, whether for fun or out of frustration. It is vital for parents to understand that shaking can result in brain hemorrhage and, in extreme cases, death. If you need to wake your infant, don’t shake it. Instead, tickle your baby’s feet or gently blow on his or her cheek.
  • When using a carrier, stroller, or car seat, always secure your baby. Any activity that could be overly rough or bouncy should be avoided.
  • When playing with newborns, avoid rough play such as jiggling them on the knee or throwing them in the air.

How To Diaper Your Baby?

Whether you use cloth or disposable diapers, your child will dirty them roughly 10 times per day, or 70 times per week. When changing your baby’s diaper:

  • Keep all of your materials close at hand.
  • Wipe your infant gently from front to back with water, cotton balls, a washcloth, or wipes.
  • To cure diaper rash, apply diaper cream as needed.
  • After changing the diaper, wash your hands.

When Should You Bathe Your Baby?

Babies are given sponge baths during the first several weeks. Babies can thereafter take baths in a sink or small plastic infant tub after the umbilical cord stump falls off and the circumcision heals (if your baby was circumcised).

When your infant is ready, the first tub baths should be mild and quick. If your infant becomes agitated, return to sponge baths for a week or two before attempting the tub bath again. In the first year, a bath two or three times per week is sufficient. As First-Time Parents you should know bathing the baby more frequently may be drying to the skin.

As First Time Parents How To Calm The Baby?

Massage: Infant massage may benefit babies, particularly those born prematurely or with medical issues. Some methods of massage may improve bonding and aid in the growth and development of babies. Ask your doctor for advice on books and videos on infant massage. However, babies aren’t as powerful as adults, so massage your baby carefully.

Sounds: Talking, chattering, singing, and cooing are common vocal noises that babies enjoy. Your kid will most likely enjoy quiet music. Baby rattles and musical mobiles are also excellent ways to stimulate your baby’s hearing. If your baby is fussy, try singing, reciting poetry and nursery rhymes, or reading aloud while gently swaying or rocking him or her in a rocker.

Some babies are hypersensitive to touch, light, or sound. They may be easily startled and cry, sleep less than usual, or turn their faces away when someone speaks or sings to them. Keep noise and light levels low to medium if this is the situation with your baby.

Swaddling is another relaxing practice that works effectively for some newborns in their first few weeks. Swaddling properly keeps a baby’s arms close to the torso while allowing their legs to move slightly. It keeps a baby warm and appears to provide security and comfort to most babies. Swaddling may also assist to reduce the startle reaction, which can wake a newborn.

How Often Should You Feed The Baby?

First time parents are often wondering how frequently you should feed your newborn, whether by breast or bottle. In general, babies should be fed on demand – that is, anytime they appear hungry. Your baby may cry, put their fingers in their mouth, or make sucking noises to indicate that they are hungry. A newborn baby requires feeding every 2-3 hours.

Breastfed babies are probably getting enough to eat if they: 

  • seem satisfied
  • have about 6 wet diapers and several poops a day
  • sleep well
  • gain weight regularly

Another sign that a breastfed infant is getting milk is if your breasts feel full before feeding and less full after feeding. You can readily determine if your baby is receiving enough to eat if you’re formula-feeding. If you are concerned about your baby’s growth or feeding schedule, consult with your doctor.

Babies frequently swallow air during feedings, which can cause them to be fussy. Burp your infant frequently to help prevent this.

What To Know About Baby’s Sleep?

To reduce the risk of SIDS, always place babies to sleep on their backs. Other safe sleeping routines are as follows:

Blankets, quilts, sheepskins, bumpers, plush animals, or cushions should not be used in a crib or bassinet since they can suffocate a baby. Parents should share a bedroom (but not a bed) with the infant for the first 6 months to 1 year.
Change your baby’s head position from night to night (first right, then left, and so on). This prevents a flat area on one side of the head from forming.

You can’t hold your baby “too much”

As a first time parents, have you ever been told that holding your kid too much will “spoil” them? Behind such perhaps well-intended advice lies the idea that newborns will become dependent on being held and will never learn to be independent. We’re here to correct that misperception right away. Numerous studies have not only debunked that notion, but have also pushed child development specialists to advocate for the opposite.

Long-term research on low-birth-weight infants who had skin-to-skin contact discovered that soft touch is critical for good development. Even after 20 years, the impacts might still be felt physically, intellectually, and socially.

All of this is not to mean that parents must continuously hold their newborns. It’s completely acceptable to put baby down in a safe area and take a break from time to time. It’s also vital for parents to remember that co-sleeping with your kid is never safe.


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